Leechpool Primary School is a fully inclusive school and our aim is to provide an appropriate and high-quality education for all children, regardless of their needs or disabilities, living in our local community in order for them to reach their full potential. Miss Emma Payne is the Inclusion and SEND Lead.
At Leechpool we place importance and value for all children to develop the skills they need to succeed in life along with achieving their potential academically. We use our 6Rs to teach these key skills so that all pupils are equipped for life when they leave Leechpool. To support the teaching of life skills for all pupils, every pupil is given their own passport which stays in school. In this passport there are lots of different activities that pupils can undertake such as making toast, writing their own address, how to make an emergency call. To see a sample passport, click here.
Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, vulnerable pupils, English as an Additional Language (EAL) pupils, pupils who have physical disabilities and pupils considered to be Gifted and Talented.
Please have a look at the Celebration of Inclusion case study recently published by West Sussex about Leechpool school. Please read our West Sussex Inclusion Review from July 2022.
Please read the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy for more information.
To find out more about Inclusion at Leechpool, please read the Inclusion Newsletter.
To find out more about services available through West Sussex, please read West Sussex Local Offer.
To view the SEND policy, please click here. Our link Governor for SEND is Mrs Kirstie Beange.
School Dog
We are very lucky to have our own school dog, named by the children as Mabel Hope. Her breed is a Chocolate Labrador Retriever and she has been in school since January 2021, when she was 8 weeks old. She is based in Miss Payne's office and visits the children in classes and on the playground and field at times.
For the Mabel Hope newsletters shared with children in school, please click below.
Mabel Hope News September 2023