Physical Education


Below is the overview of the PE curriculum at Leechpool.

OAA stands for Outdoor Adventurous Activities

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The above overview will be implemented by the development of the progression of skills in PE illustrated below.

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  • Demonstrate evidence of children work through videos, Seesaw, photos, summative assessments half termly.
  • Regular verbal feedback is given within lessons to praise and ensure children are apply the correct technique.
  • Children become stewards of their own learning and support peers to continue to improve and excel. Class teacher ensure this through Teaching and Learning
  • Understand the impact of Physical activity on their own body (linked to Science topic).
  • Through the Physical Education Action Plan and Governors’ Reports, pupil voice and Sports Partnership Steering group meetings, regular reviews can be made to explore the impact of any improvement initiatives.
  • Measurable impact of swimming through high (90% or above) swimming percentage over 25m.

For further information about PE, click here.